Thursday, June 26, 2014

GOP Fringe - i.e. the Tea Party - Blame Voter Fraud and "Uncle Toms" for Mississippi Loss

Rather than face the reality that a majority of Americans view them as not only insane, but also frightening, Tea Party forces are claiming that Mississippi state Sen. Chris McDaniel lost his primary challenge to incumbent Senator Thad Cochran due to "voter fraud" and "Uncle Tom" blacks who chose to vote in the GOP primary.  Truth be told, McDaniel is not short of an extremist who would have brought yet more insanity to the Congressional GOP.  Thankfully, enough Mississippi residents recognized McDaniel's toxicity and went to the polls to support Cochran.  Talking Points Memo looks at the spittle flecked rants coming from the Tea Party lunatics.  Here are highlights:
"I wonder what the campaign slogan was in Mississippi the past few days, 'Uncle Toms for Thad'? Because I thought it was the worst thing you could do as an African American, vote for a Republican. The worst thing you could do," Limbaugh said on Wednesday. "But somehow they were made to believe that voting for old Thad would be fine and dandy. And why? Because they were told Thad's done a lot for black people in Mississippi. Must be the first time they were told that."

Cochran's turnaround victory in the race on Tuesday was immediately met with criticism by McDaniel and tea partiers over his strategy of reaching out to not only Republicans but also Democrats and African-Americans, a move that dismayed tea partiers but isn't illegal under Mississippi's open primary laws. 

Matt Drudge, for instance, posted a link to a New York Times story with the line "Black vote used." Another link on Drudge said "The flier 'that got Cochran elected'..." and linked to a National Review blog post on Wednesday reporting that a flyer that had allegedly been circulated in heavily black precincts of Mississippi that was titled: "The Tea Party intends to prevent blacks from voting on Tuesday."

Sarah Palin on Wednesday said there should be some kind of investigation of voting behavior because something clearly was fishy.  

[C]onservatives have also thrown out the idea of leaving the GOP party all together. Amy Kremer, a conservative political operative who formerly led the Tea Party Express warned that if Cochran won, the GOP would be "done." 

Erickson wrote. "In essence, tea party activists are the RINOs. A Republican Party campaigning on making the Senate “conservative,” used liberal Democrats to preserve an incumbent Republican and defeat a conservative. The actual conservatives are the outsiders with the GOP establishment doing all it could to preserve its power at the expense of its principles."

But Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), who is often considered a tea party favorite, suggested that such reactions might be overblown. "I'm for more people voting, not less people voting," Paul told reporters Wednesday, according to the Washington Post.

The Tea Party - most of which is also Christofascist - is a swamp fever that must be broken if the GOP is to ever regain its sanity.  Killing the Frankenstein monster will be very difficult.

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