Thursday, May 30, 2013

Social Issues Dominate 2013 Virginia GOP Convention

While Ken "Kookinelli" Cuccinelli is busy running disingenuous campaign ads that would keep Virginia voters clueless  as to his religious extremism - not to mention is losing record on suing the federal government or trying to reinstate Virginia's sodomy laws, more and more coverage is coming out about the spittle flecked religious extremists and knuckle dragging Tea Party Neanderthals at the Virginia GOP State Convention who nominated not only Kookinelli, but also the (in my view) thoroughly insane E.W. Jackson as Lt. Governor and Mark "Report Your Miscarriage to the police or else" Obenshain as the Virginia GOP's statewide ticket.  It's not pretty, but it is the reality of what today's GOP really stands for.  The video above is from Not Larry Sabato and is worth viewing.  Meanwhile, Blue Virginia has highlighted some of the most frightening batshitery:

I've summarized with a few illustrative quotes - from the Virginia Republican Party Convention a few weeks ago. Just remember, these are the (extreme, sex-and-abortion-obsessed people) who nominated Ken Cuccinelli, EW Jackson and Mark Obenshain. After watching this video, I think you'll understand why they did! 
*"I'm not a big fan of contraception, frankly...pretty soon I guess we'll hand [morning-after pills] out to babies."
*"Millions and millions of babies that are being murdered, slaughtered."
*"These are people who chose to take human life for a living..."
*"It's the abortion issue, it's the mass slaughter of innocent children that I believe that EW and Cuccinelli as well are against."
*"One thing...would be to ensure that there's never any funding for Planned Parenthood or for any type of family planning clinics in Virginia...I think that's something, if we do elect a Republican Lt. Governor, we would be able to perhaps get that through."
*"...our state is very supportive of the foundation of marriage being between one man and one woman."
*"EW truly Obama's worst nightmare."
*EW Jackson is "not offended by color issues."
*"Northern Virginia ought to be cut off from the state."

NOTE: These folks are always about jettisoning those who do not subscribe to their extremist views and  how they care little or nothing about the economy and issues to most Virginians.  Instead, it is all about forcing their Christofascist views on all Virginians.

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