Monday, November 12, 2012

One Man One Woman - The Right's Myth of Biblical Marriage

This blog has looked at the Bible's description of marriage before and concluded that if one is honest - a very big if for Christianists who seem to have forgotten one of the Ten Commandments - the true Biblical model for marriage is actually polygamy, not the one man and one woman model that Maggie Gallagher and other theocratic bloviate about.  The chart above (click the image to enlarge it) shows other Biblical models for marriage.  In short, it's time to call out the anti-gay Christianists for what they are: LIARS.   Of course, getting the truth out to those who live in the bubble like world of the Southern Baptist Convention and conservative elements in the Roman Catholic Church will not be easy.  They like to cite the Bible but sadly ignore most of what is says.

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