Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Afghanistan - The Ongoing Betrayal of Our Troops

While the American pundit class trade shots over the merits of the adulterous General David Patraeus, the squandering of American lives continues in Afghanistan.   While American politicians continue to have their heads up their asses, France has apparently admitted the hopeless disaster that is Afghanistan and is accelerating its withdrawal from the continuing fools errand. The U.S. military makes me shake my head at times with the bullshit names for fiascoes like Afghanistan.  The military leadership must indeed think our troops and all Americans are utter cretins and morons like the GOP base.  Rather than call the operation in Afghanistan "Enduring Freedom" it would better be called enduring idiocy.   Here are details on France's decision to top the insanity:

France ended its last combat mission in Afghanistan today, withdrawing troops from a strategic province northeast of Kabul as part of an accelerated departure from the war-torn country.
Paris has said all French combat soldiers will leave next month, two years before allied nations contributing to the 100,000-strong International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) led by the United States are due to depart.

Around 1,500 French soldiers will stay into 2013 to take responsibility for repatriating equipment and training the Afghan army to take over when all NATO combat troops leave in 2014.

[D]espite 11 years of fighting, a resilient Taliban insurgency has led to warnings of a return to civil war or the Taliban returning to power in Afghanistan after 2014.

An AFP correspondent saw the last 400 soldiers deployed in Kapisa province start to leave Nijrab, the last French base outside Kabul, at 10:00 am after a departure ceremony.

France has lost 88 soldiers in Afghanistan and has been the fifth largest contributor to ISAF, behind the United States, Britain, Germany and Italy.  .  .  .  . Paris decided to accelerate its withdrawal after a string of deadly attacks in 2011 and 2012.
When will the U. S. military leadership stop lying about what is really transpiring in Afghanistan?  More importantly, when will Barack Obama admit that he will never be able to save the fools errand launched by Chimperator George W. Bush and Emperor Palpatine Cheney?  How many more young Americans need to die because of American hubris?

P.S.  My son-in-law continues his treatment and recovery.  It will be a very long hall, but at least he's alive and out of the hell hole in Afghanistan.

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