Sunday, October 14, 2012

PPP Ohio poll: Obama 51, Romney 46

Many Democrats I know remain worried about what will happen on election day as candidly, so do.  But worrying and wringing ones hand's doesn't change anything.  What people need to do is stay involved, make the case to friends and family as to why they need to make sure they vote and why the greed, racism, religious extremism, and anti-gay bigotry that are the pillars of today's Republican Party do not serve the best interest of the nation or even most average Americans.  Fortunately, a poll out of Ohio may help buoy spirits and get folks off their butts and working hard in other states.  Here are excerpts from Politico on the poll results that  should encourage the faint of heart:

The full writeup hasn't posted yet on the Public Policy Polling website, but the Democratic firm previews the top lines from its latest Ohio survey on Twitter:
@ppppolls Barack Obama leads our new Ohio poll 51-46, not much different from 2 weeks ago when it was 49-45
@ppppolls 19% of Ohioans say they've already voted and Obama has a 76-24 advantage with them. Romney up 51-45 with folks who haven't voted yet
@ppppolls Ohio voters think Biden won the debate Thursday night 46-37, including 44-32 with independents
This is the third public poll -- following CNN and NBC/WSJ/Marist -- to show the president holding onto his lead in Ohio even as Mitt Romney's standing has improved nationally in the aftermath of the first debate.

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