Saturday, October 06, 2012

Pathological Lies from Paul Ryan

The hypocrisy of Paul Ryan is matched perhaps only by Mitt Romney's shameless dishonesty and willingness to lie on almost every topic.  Ryan's latest round of batshitery involves his claim that Barack Obama and the Democrats are engaged in class warfare against the wealthy even though its Ryan and his party who seek to implement a reverse Robin Hood form of society: take from the poor and middle class and give even more to the already very rich.  Worse yet, he claims that its the Democrats, not the policies of the GOP that impede social mobility in America which has fallen markedly over the last three decades.   Apparently, Ryan hasn't pulled his head out of his ass lately and noticed that Europe now has more upward social mobility than the USA.  Nor has he noticed that the wealthy are currently paying the lowest tax rate in roughly 60 years.  Why let the truth get in the way of one's demagoguery.  Here's Ryan's factually backwards comment on social mobility:

"We should not shy away from class warfare," Ryan said. "We should take this head on, which is, the president is preying on the emotions of fear, envy and resentment, and he's speaking to people in America as if they're fixed in some class. That's the European model. That's the model our ancestors left to come create an opportunity society, equality of opportunity, equal protection of the law -- not equality of outcome. Government's role is not to equalize the results of our lives. And we should take that on in a moral way and defend the system of upward mobility."  

Oh, a did I mention that Ryan opposes equal protection for LGBT citizens among other minority groups.  The man is a douche bag and the antithesis of what Catholic social teachings is all about.   Even the utterly corrupt and morally bankrupt Catholic bishops have condemned Ryan's budget policies and reverse Robin Hood policies.  Here's some more commentary from Huffington Post:

Republicans have long accused President Barack Obama of engaging in class warfare, citing his effort to scale back the Bush tax cuts for the nation's wealthiest. Frustrated defenders of the president have long called on Democrats to make the case that the true class warriors are the ones looking to slash entitlements and inevitably expand income inequality by cutting corporate taxes, busting unions and pushing through trade deals that ship blue-collar jobs offshore.

Dividing the country between those who are receiving government assistance and those who aren't are familiar themes for Ryan and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

In a 2011 speech, Ryan suggested that 30 percent of Americans are "takers." "Seventy percent of Americans want the American dream. They believe in the American idea. Only 30 percent want the welfare state," he said.

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